Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Gradually trending sunnier, 70s return

Spring in Minnesota. Two steps forward. One step back.

Our sky color trends from gray to blue over the next 48 hours. We dodge a few clouds with mixed sun Wednesday, but bright blue sunny skies rule by Thursday. Watch the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System model's low cloud fraction depict the trend of fewer clouds over the next 48 hours.

5 23 gfs clouds
NOAA GFS low level cloud cover via tropical tidbits.com

70s return

Our sun angle in the sky, and the total amount of solar energy we get is now as high as late July. That's why temperatures are so dependent on cloud cover this time of year. When the sun pops out, temperatures respond much more quickly than in winter. It's like turning your stove on high.

Highs in the 70s return to the Twin Cities this week as the sun emerges.

5 23 nd22
NOAA via Weather Bell

Forecast improving

We'll see more sun than clouds overall the next week.

Wet and wetter