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70s return this week; early June heat wave ahead?

The dog days of spring

Our weather pattern shifts deeper into late spring mode this week.

Temperatures respond to more typical late May levels with 60s and 70s. Sunny days outnumber cloudy days this week. Memorial Day weekend still looks like a series win, with 2 of 3 nice days likely. There are hints of a possible early June heat wave emerging on the longer range weather maps.

After what seems like our now annual May monsoon, things are looking up at the Weather Lab.

Soggy fields

Want to know how wet it's been? Ask a farmer. Last week was another tough one for getting into fields across Minnesota. But farmers are doing remarkably well with planting given the seemingly relentless May deluge. Fully 27% of topsoil in Minnesota has "surplus" moisture.

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Here's a clip from this week's Minnesota Crop Report.

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Drying out

We endure more clouds and a few more spotty showers Tuesday. Skies turn sunnier Wednesday and Thursday. Temperatures respond accordingly.

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Twin Cities NWS

70s return

Milder air blows into Minnesota as we hit the summer season's first big holiday weekend.

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NOAA via Weather Bell

Right now Saturday and Sunday look mainly sunny and dry. Shower chances loom Sunday night into Memorial Day, but the forecast is still evolving.

Early June heat wave?

This is looking deep into the proverbial weather crystal ball, but there are some hints at a potential heat wave in early June. NOAA's upper air progs show a high amplitude ridge building over the Upper Midwest between about June 2 and June 6.

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If that pattern verifies, it will send the season's first significant shot of heat and humidity north into Minnesota. Upper 80s and even 90s may arrive, especially in southern Minnesota and Iowa. NOAA's 16-day GFS cranks out a high of 88 at MSP, with a dew point of 73 on June 4th.

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NOAA via IPS Meteostar.

Time to get the AC tuned up?

Stay tuned.