Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Saturday showers, warmer Memorial Day weekend?

Weather perspective

After two straight glorious weekend in Minnesota, I guess we're about due for a clunker. Many of us soaked up two to four inches of rain this week. Some Wisconsin communities absorbed 6 inch plus downpours this week. Rivers in western Wisconsin continue to breach flood stage as we head into the weekend.

Our next rain wave arrives Saturday. Look for more steady rain and cool temperatures in the 50s. And remember, we just had two great weekends in a row. I'm just your humble weather messenger.

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Inbound low pressure

The same storm that brought three feet of snow to Colorado's high country spins toward Minnesota this weekend. The good news here is, it's mostly liquid. Silver linings.

NOAA's NAM 3 km resolution model tracks the inbound low and precip shield this weekend. The heaviest, most persistent rains likely occur Saturday morning through midday in the Twin Cities.

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NOAA NAM 3 km model via tropical tidbits.

Could be worse, could be snowing

At least we don't live at 7,000 feet elevation. Check out the copious snowfall totals up to three feet in Colorado's high country from this storm.

Milder next week

Temps rebound next week after a cool weekend. 70 degrees will feel mighty nice by next Thursday.

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NOAA via Weather Bell

Warmer Memorial Day weekend?

I'll be honest. The evolving upper air pattern for Memorial Day weekend over Minnesota still shows a high degree of uncertainty. The latest models suggest Minnesota will ride the transition zone between cooler air the the northeast, and much warmer air to the southwest.

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There are some signs the warm air could win out by Memorial Day, and kick Minnesota into a warm and more humid air mass. The best guess now? Highs around 70 next weekend, with the potential to go much warmer if the upper air pattern kicks east a hundred miles.

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NOAA GFS via IPS Meteostar

Hang in there Minnesota.