Stearns County offering dock owners cash to stop invasives

Two zebra mussels attached to a native mussel
Two zebra mussels found attached to a native mussel in the Mississippi River August 14, 2015.
Courtney Perry for MPR News 2015

Minnesota officials have long run public service announcements to inspire boaters and dock owners to check the spread of zebra mussels and other invasive lake pests. Stearns County, though is dangling a new incentive: cash.

The county is offering to pay $200 to residents who are selling a dock or boat lift to keep it out of the water for a month.

Moving a dock or boat lift directly from one lake to another poses a high risk for spreading zebra mussels or invasive plants. Minnesota law requires keeping water-related equipment out of the water for at least 21 days before moving it to another lake or river.

Stearns County officials say the extra money is a way to raise awareness of the law. They said $200 was seen as enough to make it worth people's time and get their attention, yet small enough that they could give out a number of grants, probably 10, since they have $2,000 budgeted for this year.

They believe Stearns is the first Minnesota county to offer such an incentive.

"We've tried to promote it to other counties and we've had some inquiries from other counties. But right now, it's just us," said Stearns County environmental specialist Sue McGuire.

"We're hoping that it will spread more," she added. "It will be a lot more effective if other counties would do it, also."