Photos: Two brothers capture stories from the U.S.-Mexico border

Yonathan Moya, Jordan Moya and Jonathan Baez at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Yonathan Moya, Jordan Moya and Jonathan Baez at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Peg Bowden

President Trump is proposing that the federal government spend $2.6 billion to design and build "tactical infrastructure" for a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Since he launched his campaign, Trump has focused a great deal of attention on the security of America's southern border.

For most Minnesotans, that border is a place they know largely through the media. But Twin Cities resident Yonathan Moya has firsthand knowledge because he grew up there. He was born in Mexico and his family emigrated to a border community in Texas when he was 7.

Moya and his brother Jordan recently spent nine days traveling along the border, taking pictures and talking to people along the way.

See more of their photos here.

Click on the audio player above to hear their conversation.