Muslim civil rights group calls on public to fight bigotry

CAIR's Jaylani Hussein and Amir Malik
CAIR Minnesota executive director Jaylani Hussein and civil rights director Amir Malik speak at a gathering of attorneys on Feb. 2, 2017
Doualy Xaykaothao | MPR News File

A Muslim civil rights group is calling on the broader public to help fight bigotry.

The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is holding an event Saturday designed to get thousands of Minnesotans to stand up against hate.

CAIR-MN's Executive Director Jaylani Hussein says there have been two incidents in the last week of Muslim women being followed in Minnesota. He says Muslims can't fight hatred alone.

Those who attend Saturday's event will be given ideas for concrete actions they can take to help — such as taking a stand on social media or hosting community conversations.

About 1,200 tickets have been sold for Saturday's event, and Hussein anticipates that number will grow. The event kicks off a larger campaign to get 10,000 Minnesotans active in challenging bigotry.