Dylan reveals his favorite song that includes his name in the lyrics

A star dedicated to Dylan
A star dedicated to Bob Dylan is embedded in the sidewalk just outside the former Zimmy's restaurant in Hibbing, Minn. Zimmy's was once operated as a tribute to and unofficial museum for Bob Dylan. It closed in 2014.
Derek Montgomery for MPR News 2016

An interesting interview with Bob Dylan was posted this week on his website. He talks about his current fascination with old songs and the differences between northern and southern Minnesota.

Dylan says rock and roll originally "came out of the darkness and rode in on the atom bomb. It made you oblivious to the fear, busted down the barriers that race and religion, ideologies put up. We lived under a death cloud. The air was radioactive. There was no tomorrow, any day it could all be over, life was cheap. That was the feeling at the time and I'm not exaggerating."

He was also asked to pick a favorite song by another artist that mentions his name in the lyrics. His pick: "Garden Party" by Ricky Nelson.