Local nonprofit raising funds for impending famine in Somalia

Relief organizer
Mohamed Idris, executive director of the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa.
Laura Yuen | MPR News 2011

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres is warning the world that Somalia, Sudan and the Horn of Africa region are on the verge of dire famine conditions.

More than 20 million people are facing the threat of starvation in that part of Africa, Gutteres said.

The scope of the problem is huge and half a world away, but a Columbia Heights nonprofit is trying to raise some of the $4.4 billion needed by the end of the month to avoid a catastrophic famine situation, according to the UN.

Mohamed Idris, executive director of the the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa, and joined All Things Considered host Tom Crann to discuss the famine and his group's efforts to combat it.

Use the audio player above to hear their conversation.