Man kicked by St. Paul cop, bitten by K-9 sues city

Frank Baker, who was attacked by K-9 and kicked by police.
Frank Baker
Courtesy Andrew Noel 2016

Frank Baker, an African-American man bitten by a police dog and kicked by an officer during a June 2016 arrest, is suing the city and several cops for at least $5 million.

The suit, filed Friday, says Baker's constitutional and civil rights were violated in the incident.

Baker, 53, spent two weeks in the hospital after suffering severe injuries, which prompted an apology from St. Paul police chief Todd Axtell.

When Baker was arrested, officers were responding to a report of a fight on the East Side. Baker was sitting in his car.

Wounds to Frank Baker's legs after K-9 attack.
Baker spent weeks in the hospital after suffering what a police report called "severe lacerations," to his legs and feet, according to his attorney, Robert Bennett.
Courtesy Andrew Noel 2016

While there's no indication Baker was involved with the reported fight, officers ordered him to get out of his car before turning the K-9 loose on him.

The incident was initially reported on Nov. 4, 2016. Three days after, Brett Palkowitsch, the officer who kicked Baker, was off the force.

Baker first made a claim against the city three months ago. The city and Baker couldn't agree on an out-of-court settlement, so Baker sued.

"This is a very serious lawsuit and as you can see the building blocks of the lawsuit are essentially incontrovertable," said Bob Bennett, Baker's attorney.

St. Paul city attorney Sammy Clark said the city was expecting the lawsuit, and it takes the claim seriously.