Wisconsin student wants sex charges dismissed

A suspended University of Wisconsin student accused of sexually assaulting and harassing several women is asking a judge to dismiss four of the 21 charges against him, arguing that some of his actions were no worse than "Happy Days" television character Arthur Fonzarelli's antics.

Twenty-year-old Alec Cook is due in court Friday. He's also charged with stalking, strangulation and false imprisonment in cases dating to March 2015.

Cook says one stalking charge should be tossed because he only called the alleged victim beautiful and repeatedly put his arm around her, which Cook's attorneys compared to Fonzarelli's flirting.

Cook also wants the judge to dismiss a sexual assault charge, arguing the alleged victim couldn't say whether he grabbed or slapped her, along with a disorderly conduct charge for allegedly making sexual remarks in a grocery store and another stalking charge.