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Daily Digest: Another Democrat runs for governor

Good morning, and welcome to Monday. Hope you had a good weekend. Let's get right back into things and take a look at the Digest.

1. State Auditor Rebecca Otto tells the Pioneer Press she is running for governor. The 2018 race is already getting crowded, at least on the DFL side where St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman and state Rep. Erin Murphy, DFL-St. Paul, have already announced they're running. “I’m different. I’m authentic,” Otto told the newspaper. “Minnesota has given me great gifts. I love this state. I want to see it have the very best future possible.” DFL Gov. Mark Dayton has  said he won't seek a third term, and the open seat is expected to draw lots of candidates from both parties. (Pioneer Press)

2. If you thought the dust-up over artwork in the newly renovated state Capitol was over once the Historical Society decided to keep Civil War paintings near the governor's office, think again. Some members of the state Senate don't like plans to display only a few of the portraits of Minnesota governors in the Capitol at any given time. They've signed on to a bill requiring all the paintings to be put back in the Capitol. (MPR News)

3. The 2017 Super Bowl won't be played for a few weeks, but Minneapolis is already preparing for the 2018 game at U.S. Bank Stadium. The Minneapolis host committee is going to Houston for 10 days to check out the site of this year's Super Bowl, hoping to find a way to make Minnesota stand out next year by embracing snowmobiling, ice fishing and other winter activities. The Twin Cities metro area has already set aside more than 19,000 hotel rooms for people coming to the game. This winter, organizers are rounding up restaurant and event space. (MPR News)

4. In Washington, Senate Republicans plan to begin confirmation hearings this week for President-elect Trump's nominees. Several people Trump wants to work in his administration have not yet completed ethics and disclosure forms traditionally expected of Cabinet-level appointees. The Office of Government Ethics sent a letter to Democratic senators last week expressing concern about the confirmation timeline. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Sunday that Democrats trying to delay the process are “frustrated that they lost the election.” (CBS News)