MSP airport bolsters security this weekend

The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport has added security this weekend in the wake of a shooting at Florida's Fort Lauderdale airport.

Spokesman Patrick Hogan said additional airport police are patroling "pre-security" areas like ticketing and baggage claim.

"There are no specific threats that we're aware of to MSP, just whenever something like this happens anywhere in the country you're always a little bit concerned about copycats and other people who might come out. So we increase security just to be cautious."

Hogan says the move adds to extra security patrols the airport had already placed in those areas several months ago.

"You'll see more officers with long-guns in those areas. And that will remain the case going forward because of this kind of incident."

The suspect in the shooting reportedly traveled on a flight from Anchorage, Alaska that changed planes in Minneapolis before landing in Fort Lauderdale.