The Jackie Tapes: 1964 interviews, daughter provide intimate look at Kennedy years

Jackie Kennedy
Jacqueline Kennedy attends the inauguration of a memorial to her husband John F. Kennedy nearly eighteen months after his assassination. Holding her hand is her young son, John F. Kennedy Jr.
Michael Stroud/Getty Images

Fifty years ago — in March 1964 — historian Arthur Schlesinger conducted recorded interviews with newly-widowed Jackie Kennedy. At Jackie's request, they were locked away at the Kennedy Library. Now open to the public and known as "The Jackie Tapes" — these interviews provide an intimate look at the Kennedy years.

In 2011, daughter Caroline Kennedy, who wrote the forward to the collection, spoke at the JFK Presidential Library about the collection, sharing some of her favorite moments from the tapes, as well as personal memories of her mother.

"Though she often spoke of (the tapes) to me and John, few other people knew of their existence and she never gave another interview on the subject," Kennedy said of her mother.

No one interview was expected to be complete or comprehensive, Kennedy said, but in combination with the records and historical archives at the library "it was hoped that they might form a composite picture that would be valuable in later years."

When Jackie was first married to John Kennedy she would translate countless historic french novels for him, instilling in her a great respect for accuracy and historical scholarship, her daughter said, something she brought with her into the "Jackie Tapes" interviews.

"It took a good deal of courage to be as honest as she was," Caroline Kennedy said. "But her own reading of the chronicles of the past convinced her that future generations would benefit from her commitment to tell the truth as she saw it."

To listen to Caroline Kennedy's speech, click the audio player above.

Thanks to WBUR in Boston for the audio from the JFK Library.

Further reading

• Photos: Nation remembers JFK on 50th anniversary of death

• NewsCut: Maybe you can't figure out history

• Movie: "Jackie" showing in theaters nationwide

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