Parting thoughts: Navigating ups and downs with white gloves and a smile

Millie DeZiel
Millie DeZiel in in the Young Quinlan building.

Mildred "Millie" DeZiel had big eyes, a wide smile and brilliant red hair. A native of northeast Minneapolis, she worked as an elevator operator downtown for more than 60 years.

Paula DeZiel wearing her mom's ensemble
Paula DeZiel wearing her mom's ensemble from the 1960s.
Evan Frost | MPR News

Her daughter, Paula DeZiel, remembers her grace.

"That line from the Hail Mary, 'Hail Mary, full of grace.' That was my mom," DeZiel said.

Millie DeZiel first worked in Dayton's and then in the Young Quinlan Building, the latter for 20 years. During her career, she ferried a number of celebrities — including Michael Jackson — in addition to well-heeled shoppers and business people.

But, her daughter says, Millie DeZiel believed everyone was special and everyone had a story.

"She was 100 percent present whenever you talked to her," Paula DeZiel said. "She could be happy for you from the bottom of her toes. And you could feel it."

Millie DeZiel died on November 23, 2016. She was 90 years old.

Paula DeZiel spoke with MPR News Host Cathy Wurzer about her mom's life. Click the audio player above to hear their conversation.