A look at the unraveling and the reclaiming of Somalia

'Mayor of Mogadishu' by Andrew Harding
'Mayor of Mogadishu' by Andrew Harding
Courtesy of publisher

Mohamud "Tarzan" Nur is a divisive figure in Somali politics.

He fled Mogadishu, along with tens of thousands of others, when the country erupted in civil war and chaos in the 1990s. He returned to the city in 2010, with many other members of the diaspora, to try and rebuild. He quickly became its mayor.

Nur is at the center of a new book, "The Mayor of Mogadishu," that looks at the unraveling of Somalia, and the efforts to reclaim it. BBC foreign correspondent Andrew Harding uses Nur's story to paint a picture of the loss and redemption for the entire country.

Harding joined MPR News host Tom Weber to discuss Nur and the current state of Somalia.

When Nur returned, "he stood out because he was incredibly outspoken, in a city where people don't like making more enemies than they need to because people tend to get killed over disputes. Tarzan took on al-Shabab, he took on his critics, he took on everyone. For many, it was a breath of fresh air."

Opinions are mixed, though: Some consider him a patriot, some call him an opportunist.

For Harding, despite his polarizing subject, telling the story of Nur was a chance to show a side of Somalia many have forgotten, or never knew. In the popular consciousness, Somalia has become defined by Black Hawk Down, famine and pirates.

But take one moment in Nur's life: When he was fifteen, he was walking the beachfront, holding hands with his girlfriend, who was dressed in a miniskirt. They were in the center of Mogadishu, trying to decide which movie they wanted to see at one of the open-air theaters: maybe a Fellini movie, maybe a Hindi film, maybe the new American western.

"That's the Mogadishu that people have forgotten," Harding said. "And that I wanted to bring back to life."

For the full interview with Andrew Harding on "The Mayor of Mogadishu," use the audio player above.