Ramsey County sheriff resigns to take Oxford research position

Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom
Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom seen in St. Paul on Tuesday.
Sam Harper for MPR News

Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrom announced Tuesday he's resigning for a position at Oxford University.

He says he'll be doing research to create an international community policing model based on Ramsey County.

• For Bostrom in his own words on the move, use the audio player above to hear his interview with All Things Considered host Tom Crann.

Hiring for character and training for competence has been the linchpin of his six years as sheriff, he said.

That model stemmed from conversations with community members, and he says it increases police trust.

Bostrom said he'll work to create a model that can be replicated at the British university's Centre for Criminology.

"We have an opportunity to accomplish something great for our profession and I'm so proud of what we've been able to accomplish here in Ramsey County and have a sense of moral obligation to share this with others," he said. "If we are successful, the tool we developed could be used by agencies around the world."

Bostrom is in his second term.

Ramsey County Commissioners will hold a special meeting next Tuesday and plan to appoint a new sheriff by Jan. 3, Bostrom's last day.