Dessa appears on 'Hamilton Mixtape'

Minneapolis rapper Dessa performs a song on the "Hamilton Mixtape" that was cut from the stage production.
Nate Ryan | MPR 2015

Today's Morning Edition music is from the highly-anticipated "Hamilton Mixtape" featuring a variety of artists re-interpreting songs written for the hit musical.

Minneapolis rapper Dessa performs a song that was cut from the stage production. In it, Alexander Hamilton's sister-in-law is mocking Hamilton for publicly admitting that he was blackmailed over an affair.

Hamilton published the admission in response to accusations that he was embezzling money from the government. It's called "Congratulations."

Dessa worked on the song with fellow Doomtree artist Lazerbeak and arranger Andy Thompson. She told Billboard that she had to move the song down a few octaves to get into her vocal range.