Police training: How do officers make sound judgments in the field?

Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau watched.
Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau watched as about 50 cadets in the Minneapolis Police Department's academy participated in an outdoor workout last year.
Brandt Williams | MPR News file

This year, 951 people in the United States have been shot and killed by police officers, according to The Guardian. CNN reported that 61 officers have been shot on the job.

How are officers trained to ensure their judgement is clear during intense situations? And has training changed in light of the recent police shootings?

Two former officers joined the program to discuss the psychological training that officers undergo, and they talked about how biases and other psychological factors play into policing.

The guests were David Thomas, a former police officer and licensed mental health counselor, and Ginger Charles, a former police sergeant and Presidential Fellow at Saybrook University.

To hear the entire conversation, use the audio player above.