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DFLer Murphy gets a jump on the ’18 race for governor

The 2018 race for governor in Minnesota officially began Thursday when state Rep. Erin Murphy, DFL-St. Paul, announced that she is a candidate.

Murphy has served five terms in the Minnesota House, including stints as majority leader and deputy minority leader. She was re-elected to a sixth term to her District 64A seat last week.

Murphy said she plans to seek the DFL nomination for governor in two years and will abide by that endorsement.

As an urban lawmaker seeking statewide office, Murphy stressed the need to “confront the things that are dividing us,” including geography, gender, race, and class.

“We need to do this because we are in this together and our future depends on the success of each of us,” Murphy said in a news release.

Murphy’s announcement is the first in what is expected to be a crowded race. DFL Gov. Mark Dayton has said he will not run for another term.