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Voter registration causes latest MNsure friction

House Republicans criticized the health insurance exchange known as MNsure on Monday over the way it distributed voter registration cards, arguing the entity should have a laser-focus on connecting people with health coverage during open enrollment.

"I want to be clear: I don't oppose voter registration," said Rep. Roz Peterson, R-Burnsville. She added, "I am concerned, however, about the staff time and taxpayer dollars at MNsure being dedicated to extracurriculars like voter registration. When we've spent over $400 million on MNsure for a website that is still not functioning the way it was promised and with the open enrollment period coming up in a couple of weeks, from my view it has to be all hands on deck."

MNsure, for its part, said it was merely following state law and didn't spend any resources on the effort. Mailings contained "MNsure Operations" on the return address, but MNsure spokeswoman Marie Harmon said it was a generic return address on applications processed by a separate agency.

"The Department of Human Services is responsible for doing the mailings, so MNsure does not contribute its resources to this process," Harmon said.

The flap shed light on a little-known law that makes voter registration assistance a duty of state agencies. But it also comes as Republicans are using flaws with the insurance market and MNsure as part of their campaign for the Legislature. Peterson is in a tough campaign to hold her seat against DFLer Lindsey Port.

But even prominent Democrats, from Gov. Mark Dayton on down,  have voiced alarm that premiums on insurance plans purchased through the individual market have risen too fast and could require an emergency response from state lawmakers.

Last week, Dayton urged leaders of both parties to work toward a fix that could be considered in a special session. He set a Nov. 1 goal for doing that, but there have been no indications that serious discussions are underway.