Fixing the 'emergency situation' in MN's individual health care market

People who buy health insurance for themselves or their families are facing huge price increases this coming year. Plans sold on MNsure or directly to consumers will have rate hikes of as much as two thirds.

Jim Abeler
State Rep. Jim Abeler
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News file

The price jumps affect only only about 5 percent of Minnesota's population. Most people have coverage through their employer or a government-subsidized program. But the size of the hikes prompted the state's top insurance regulator, Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman, to call this "a real emergency situation."

Sen. Kathy Sheran
Sen. Kathy Sheran
MPR Photo | Tim Pugmire file

DFL Sen. Kathy Sheran and GOP Sen. Jim Abeler talked about the future of MNsure, and what could be done to fix it.

To hear the entire conversation, select the audio player above.