Ask a bookseller

Ask a bookseller: Full Circle Bookstore in Oklahoma City

'Hero of the Empire' by Candice Millard
'Hero of the Empire' by Candice Millard
Courtesy of publisher

Every week, The Thread checks in with booksellers around the country about their favorite books of the moment. This week, we spoke with Jean Ann Robison of the Full Circle Bookstore in Oklahoma City.

Jean Ann Robison has worked at Full Circle Books for more than 20 years. She doesn't usually read nonfiction, but a new book by one of her favorite authors, Candice Millard, caught her eye.

The book, "Hero of the Empire," dives into the early life and adventures of Winston Churchill, before he became a household name and world leader.

One of the most fascinating accounts comes from his time as a journalist in South Africa, when he was captured during the Boer War. He planned a daring escape, which reads like something out of "Indiana Jones," Robison said.

"You couldn't make up a more fascinating, unbelievable story than this," she said.

Hero of the Empire Hero of the Empire