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GOP official jabs Angie Craig’s family

Republican candidate Jason Lewis says his family and his opponent's family “should be off limits” in the race for Congress in Minnesota’s 2



Lewis' statement comes in response to a Facebook posting inviting people to a Republican fundraiser that featured family pictures of several candidates including one of Democrat Angie Craig’s family. Craig is the DFL candidate in the 2


District.  She is married to another woman and they have four children.

In the post by Goodhue County Republican Party communications official Vickie Froehlich,  Craig is pictured with her wife and the boys playing scrabble.

“In case you’re wondering the family photo page is the families of our candidates and then of Jason Lewis’ opponent Angie Craig," Froehlich's post reads.  "She’s liberal and this is her family.  She and her female marriage partner and their 4 teenage sons.”

Froehlich declined to elaborate on her posting in an email exchange with MPR News and said only she was glad we had the invitation and that we were “welcome to come” to the fundraiser.

“Private lives are private matters," said Lewis. “The conversation should be kept on who has the best solutions to our country’s problems, and not focused on personal matters that are immaterial to directly improving the lives of the hardworking families and citizens of the 2



Lewis, Craig and Independence Party Candidate Paula Overby are vying to replace Republican John Kline in the House of Representatives. Kline decided not to seek an 8


term in Congress.