'Grief Is the Thing with Feathers': Weaving mourning and magic

'Grief Is the Thing with Feathers' by Max Porter
'Grief Is the Thing with Feathers' by Max Porter
Courtesy of Graywolf Press

Max Porter's debut novel, "Grief is the Thing with Feathers," packs an emotional landslide into its slim 100 pages. The book features a grief-stricken father and his two young sons, unmoored by a great loss.

Then a crow comes to the door. Not just a crow, but Crow.

Sarcastic, wise and ripped from the pages of folklore, Crow tells the father that he will be there as long as he is needed.

The imaginary bird watches over the ravaged family, negotiating a path through their trauma. Porter joined MPR News host Kerri Miller to discuss the novel, and the origins of Crow.

Grief, Porter said, "is completely unique, and it's as unique as the human brain. There is not a template for thinking about it or dealing with it."