Friday Roundtable: How art reflects culture

The play 'Disgraced' at the Guthrie Theater
Bhavesh Patel (Amir), Caroline Kaplan (Emily), Kevin Isola (Isaac) and Austene Van (Jory) star in the Guthrie Theater's production of "Disgraced," directed by Marcela Lorca and written by Ayad Akhtar. It's playing at the Guthrie in Minneapolis until Aug. 28, 2016.
Dan Norman | Guthrie Theater

This week's roundtable was inspired by the stage.

MPR News Host Kerri Miller asked three smart people to take in a viewing of "Disgraced" at the Guthrie.

It's a Pulitzer Prize winning play, and it addresses a number of cultural landmines like race, religion and identity.

The story is set in 2011, but the tensions it brings to life reflect the conflicts of today.

The Friday Roundtable guests include:

Marcela Lorca, director of "Disgraced"

Jose Santos, anthropologist and professor at Metro State University

Syl Jones, playwright and the Resident Fellow for Narrative Medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center