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Green Party’s Stein to campaign in Minneapolis

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein will be in Minneapolis Tuesday, appearing at an event hosted by the Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (NOC).

The evening event at the Capri Theater is billed as a “community conversation” that will focus on the black experience and Minnesota’s wide racial disparities.

NOC organizers stressed in a news release that forum does not represent an endorsement of Stein. The group hosted a similar event in February with then-Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, and has extended an invitation to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

"Two years after Mike Brown's killing by Ferguson police sparked a national movement, we're excited to engage a second presidential candidate on issues facing Black communities in America, sharpening the conversation around race and centering historically marginalized voices," said NOC executive director Anthony Newby in the news release.

Stein, a physician from Massachusetts, is making her second Green Party presidential bid. She previously ran in 2012.

Stein won the party nomination last weekend. She has been actively courting Sanders supporters to back her candidacy.