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Daily Digest: More Trump talk

Good morning, and welcome to a summer Thursday. Donald Trump will make his first campaign visit to Minnesota later this month, and news about his campaign once again dominates the Digest:

1. Some Republican insiders are planning for the possibility that Trump will quit the presidential race. They can't force him to quit. But after watching what's happened to his campaign this week, they're concerned he won't take advice, and that he could begin to drag down other GOP candidates. (LA Times)

2. Despite the rough week he's been having, Trump had a good July. His campaign raised more than $80 million last month and is catching up to Hillary Clinton in terms of fundraising. Much of the money came in small donations. (New York Times)

3. Former Minnesota Republican Congressman Vin Weber has never been a fan of Trump, but now it sounds like he's considering supporting Clinton. Weber on Wednesday called Trump's candidacy "a mistake of historic proportions" for Republicans. Weber said "the world political order, the world economic order and the Republican Party" would be "all in shambles" if Trump were to become president. (CNBC)

4. Trump seized on a Wall Street Journal report that the Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal. It was the first payment of $1.7 billion in Iranian assets the U.S. agreed to send back as part of the deal. The administration denied that the payment was ransom for the prisoners, and said Iranian officials were calling it that for domestic political purposes. Democrats also noted that the White House announced the transfer back in January. (CNN)

5. Nationally, most farmers generally vote Republican. But at a big farm show in Minnesota, many people are reluctant to say how they'll vote for president this year. And some say while they're not crazy about Clinton, Trump's rhetoric is not helping him so far. (MPR News)

6. I don't usually link to opinion pieces, but this one if worth reading. It was written by Capt. Humayun Khan's commander in Iraq. (Washington Post)