Climate Cast: Reasons for hope amid the climate crisis

Solar panels used by the city of Hutchinson.
Solar panels used by the city of Hutchinson to power the waste water treatment plants is built on an old landfill, March 29, 2016. The solar energy provides on average 12 percent of the power needed to run the plant.
Elizabeth Dunbar | MPR News

Today's Climate Cast focused on the technologies and practices that are making a difference in the fight against rising global temperatures. MPR Chief Meteorologist Paul Huttner spoke with three experts about what's working and what other potential solutions are coming down the pike.


Patrick Hamilton, Director of Global Change Initiatives at the Science Museum of Minnesota

Elizabeth Wilson, Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy and Law at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota

Richard Alley, Professor at the Department of Geosciences, and Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at Penn State University

• Trevor Drake, Co-Director, Clean Energy Resource Teams