Everything you need to know about 'Harry Potter' in two minutes

Explaining 'Harry Potter'
The plot of 'Harry Potter' explained, with paper puppets.
MPR News photo

You thought it was over: The last "Harry Potter" book came out almost a decade ago. The last movie rolled out in 2011.

You weathered the storm of "Potter" talk, nodded politely when people said you'd probably be sorted into Hufflepuff or maybe Ravenclaw, and you agreed that it was really too bad what happened to those house elves — all along having no idea what they were talking about.

But then, suddenly, it was back. People were waving wands and donning robes and bombarding you with made-up words like patronus and dementor and Avada Kedavra (careful where you use that last one — it's a doozy).

It's Potter Mania, Take 2.

J.K. Rowling, after swearing she was done with Hogwarts and Harry, just couldn't leave it alone. At 12:01 a.m. this Sunday, the script for the play "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" will go on sale at bookstores around the world. It picks up 19 years after the events of the original books — and you're just as lost as ever.

So here's a high-speed crash course in all things "Potter." Hold on to your Firebolt. (That's a broomstick.)