Three DFLers vie for 60b House seat in Minneapolis

Mohamud Noor, Ilhan Omar and Phyllis Kahn
Mohamud Noor, left, and Ilhan Omar, center, are running against Rep. Phyllis Kahn in the DFL primary for Minnesota House District 60b in Minneapolis.
Left, center: Jennifer Simonson | MPR News; Right: Matt Sepic | MPR News

Dozens of races for Minnesota House and Senate seats will be decided in the upcoming primary election on Aug. 9. Many legislative districts historically favor one party or the other, giving the winners of the primary a near shoo-in in November.

MPR News host Tom Weber is exploring two of these contested primaries.

This week, he spoke with the three DFL candidates running in Minneapolis for House District 60b. That's where long-time Rep. Phyllis Kahn faces two opponents, Ilhan Omar and Mohamud Noor.

Omar is a former policy aide for Minneapolis City Council member Andrew Johnson; she works with the Women Organizing Women network.

Noor is a former Minneapolis School Board member. In 2013, he won the seat that became vacant after board member Hussein Samatar died.

District 60b includes several neighborhoods in Minneapolis, including Cedar-Riverside, the University of Minnesota campus, Prospect Park, Marcy Holmes, St. Anthony Main, Nicollet Island and part of Seward.

To listen to the interviews with Kahn, Omar and Noor, use the audio players above.

All three candidates will take part in a forum at the University of Minnesota Humphrey School on Monday, Aug. 1.