MPR documentary: 'The Politics of Joy: A Radio Remembrance of Hubert Humphrey'

Humphrey statue unveiled
Former President Bill Clinton and other dignitaries unveiled a statue of Hubert H. Humphrey Aug. 4, 2012 on the Minnesota State Capitol lawn. Also pictured, Hubert H. Humphrey III, Walter Mondale and Mark Dayton.
MPR Photo/Rupa Shenoy

The last time the Democratic National Convention was held in Philadelphia, it was 1948 and young Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey pleaded for a civil rights plank in the Democratic platform.

He asked the party to "walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights."

You can hear his words in an Minnesota Public Radio documentary, "The Politics of Joy: A Radio Remembrance of Hubert Humphrey."

Produced in 1988 by Mark Heistad. Narrated by Paula Schroeder and former Vice President Walter Mondale.