How a Hillary Clinton administration would compare to Obama's

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
File photos of President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
(L) Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images and (R) Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)

The first day of the Democratic National Convention came to a close Monday with cheers and jeers accompanying the speeches, many of which sang Hillary Clinton's praises, throughout.

Disunity aside the moment Clinton will officially become her party's nominee for President Tuesday night.

Historian and foreign policy expert Andrew Bacevich and Ron Fournier, senior political columnist at National Journal, spoke with MPR News host Kerri Miller about the areas where the two Democrats diverge on key issues.

Fournier suggested Clinton would take a more hawkish approach to foreign policy. "She's a very plotted thinker, and if she draws a red line she's a lot less likely to go back on it." he said about Obama's treatment of the 'red line' in Syria.

Fournier and Bacevich both agreed when it came to cultivating a relationship with Congress, Clinton would likely do a better job than Obama.

"What she has going for her is an incredibly low bar," Fournier said, pointing out how little Obama reached out to mend relationships with Congress.

Bacevich agreed saying it'd be "a new day in America" if Clinton did anything to cooperate with the other branches of government.

Listen to the full discussion by clicking the play button above.