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Minnesotan finds her ‘Trump’ cape a convention hit

Mary Susan, of Minneapolis, has been stopped repeatedly by people wanting pictures about her custom-made cape. Brian Bakst | MPR Photo

Cleveland -- She has a super hero-style cape, but that's why Mary Susan has done anything but fly through the Republican National Convention arena.

She can barely walk a few feet without being stopped.

"Are you Wonder Woman?" Jim Hastings, a North Carolina Republican, said to Susan as she strolled through a plaza outside the Quicken Loans Arena.

Susan, a guest of Minnesota delegate Janet Beihoffer, said the custom-made cape has been a big hit in Cleveland.

"Probably 1,000 pictures yesterday, maybe 60 or 80 interviews. It's been a lot. It's been fun because I love to talk about my candidate," she said.

A friend in northern Minnesota who is a seamstress made her the cape, and she has worn it to other political gatherings, too. It's a conversation starter.

"I'm so proud of Donald Trump. I know a lot of people think he is some covert operation. But in my world he is not. I yell, I scream Donald Trump," Susan said. "We're very proud of our candidate. He has been through so much to get to where he is."

If anyone asks, she makes it known her prized  cape is not for sale. "I tell them it's going to be in the Smithsonian Institute someday," she said.