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Daily Digest: Tragic loss in BWCA

Good morning and welcome to Tuesday. By now you've likely heard that four gun control measures failed in the Senate Monday. Let's take a look at the Digest.

1. The man killed in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area when a tree fell during Sunday night's storm was Craig Walz, the brother of DFL U.S. Rep Tim Walz. Craig Walz was a teacher at St. Charles High School. He was on a Father's Day camping trip with his son Jacob, who was badly hurt by the falling tree. (Rochester Post Bulletin)

2. The court of appeals has struck down a 2007 state law that makes it a crime for an adult to text material to a minor that may cause sexual arousal. The ruling says the law is too broad and impinges on First Amendment rights. The law was designed to prevent sexual predators from "grooming" young victims on the Internet. One of the authors of the law says he expects the state Supreme Court to have the final word. (Star Tribune)

3.  Donald Trump has a problem when it come to fundraising for his campaign. Newly released figures show he has less than $1.3 million in the bank compared to Hillary Clinton's $42 million. Trump has now loaned his campaign $45.7 million while he has raised a total of $17 million. (Washington Post)

4. After a rough week that saw his standing in public opinion polls drop, Trump fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski Monday.  Lewandowski had directed Trump's campaign through the primary season and made headlines of his own when a female reporter accused him of assaulting her. When he was asked on CNN why he had been let go, Lewandowski said he didn't know. (New York Times)

5. The FBI released transcripts of the Orlando killer's calls to 911, but had to backtrack after initially redacting some of the words he used. Some Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan said it was ridiculous to black out the name of ISIS and its leader in the transcripts.  The FBI said it didn't want to give the terrorist group a publicity platform to spread its ideology. Ryan said everybody already knew what he said, and eventually the FBI agreed. (Politico)