Lawsuit: 2 brewers were fired because they are black

A federal lawsuit alleges Cold Spring Brewing Company fired two brewers because they are black, according to a complaint filed last week in Minnesota by Horace Cunningham.

A brew master for more than 20 years including seven years at Summit Brewing, Cunningham, 63, was hired by the central Minnesota brewery in 2011 to develop new beers for the craft label Third Street Brewhouse, the complaint said.

He worked with assistant brew master Steve Gittens, 52, a native of Barbados. Cunningham is originally from Jamaica.

The complaint said management gave consistently positive feedback about Cunningham's performance and accolades for the beer he brewed. Cunningham developed Minnesota Gold Lager, among other products.

In 2014, a consultant was brought in who allegedly made comments that showed bias toward older employees, people of color and other nationalities.

The complaint said the consultant commented on Cunningham's Jamaican accent, asking "Who are you? Where do you come from?"

In August 2015, the company let go a general manager Cunningham had a good relationship with and hired someone new, according to the complaint.

The new general manager began asking Cunningham when he was going to retire.

Both Cunningham and Gittens were fired on the same day last September. The brewery said it was not producing as many barrels as anticipated and was cutting costs.

The complaint said Cunningham and Gittens were replaced by white men in their 30s.

Attorneys for both sides and representatives of Cold Spring Brewing Company could not be reached for comment Wednesday evening.

The head of human resources for the company told the St. Cloud Times that Cold Spring Brewing Company strongly disputes the allegations and "will vigorously defend against his claims."