Minneapolis passes paid sick leave mandate

Supporters of the sick-leave ordinance celebrate.
Supporters of the citywide sick-leave ordinance celebrate after the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved an ordinance that will require most city businesses to provide paid sick leave to workers.
Glen Stubbe | Star Tribune via AP

Thousands of Minneapolis workers will be eligible for paid sick time starting next summer.

The City Council on Friday unanimously agreed to give full-time, part-time and temporary employees one hour of paid sick or safe time for every 30 hours they work.

Employees can accrue up to 48 hours per year, although they can't carry more than 80 hours total without prior approval.

"Today, Minneapolis has recognized that no one should have to choose between being healthy and being paid," Mayor Betsy Hodges said in a statement. "This is a landmark day for Minneapolis."

The council was still tinkering with the ordinance on Thursday. There were no further changes made on Friday, despite sharp criticism from some leaders in the business community who were concerned with the mandate's cost and how it might work.

About 40 percent of Minneapolis workers aren't earning sick leave, according to City Council research.

Because the mandate includes both sick and safe time, workers will be able use their accrued leave when they're sick, need preventative care, and to seek help with domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking. The same goes if a worker needs to help a family member in those situations.

The rule takes effect July 2017.