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Daily Digest: Slight movement at the Capitol

Good morning, and welcome to the middle of the work week. The legislative session is one day closer to mandatory adjournment,  and we have some election results to consider in the Digest.

1. House Republicans put a transportation funding plan on the table Tuesday. It rejects Democrats' call for a gas tax increase, but would raise license tab fees. It would also borrow $200 million per year and spend $300 million per year out of the general fund on roads and bridges (if future Legislatures agree, of course). One thing it would not do is raise or spend any money for mass transit. Democrats say that's unacceptable, and it would also make it hard to attract votes from metro legislators. (MPR News)

2. Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges says her city is awesome but divided. In speech Tuesday she said more police officers are on the way to north Minneapolis while acknowledging that many people don't trust the police. And she warned that racial disparities threaten the city's economic future. (MPR News)

3. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders basically tied in Kentucky, and Sanders won in Oregon. That still doesn't change the fact that Sanders appears unable to catch up to Clinton. But Clinton is still unable to put away Sanders. (New York Times)

4. After a Nevada state convention that some called a near riot, Bernie Sanders isn't apologizing for the actions of his supporters. Instead he said the state Democratic Party treated him and his voters unfairly, and he basically warned other state parties not to do it again. This comes as the state party chair in Nevada has been getting death threats and other harassing messages. And just like that, it's the Democrats and not just the Republicans who have a party unity problem. (NPR)

5. Donald Trump is staffing up in states that have not traditionally voted Republican. He'll need all the help he can get here, given that a Republican presidential candidate hasn't won Minnesota since 1972. (AP via Star Tribune)