Former U coach Jerry Kill named associate AD at Kansas State

Jerry Kill
Former University of Minnesota football coach Jerry Kill has been named associate athletic director at Kansas State.
Andy King | AP 2012

Updated 4:38 p.m. | Posted 8:39 a.m.

Former Gophers football coach Jerry Kill has been named associate athletic director at Kansas State, the school announced Tuesday morning.

Kill, a Kansas native, stepped down as head football coach at the University of Minnesota in October over health concerns.

Kill has struggled with epilepsy. He took a temporary leave of absence from the team in 2013 to deal with seizures. He said the seizures have returned.

"My doctor told me it's my best interest for my family, my kids, hopefully grandkids someday, that if I didn't move on with my life that I may be a guy that don't think too good down the road," Kill said at the time.

Earlier this year, the U and Kill parted ways after they could not identify a full-time opportunity for Kill.

In a statement announcing his hiring, Kill said that while his coaching days are over, "mentoring has always been very important to me."

"I want to make it known that my coaching days are over, and I am excited to start this next phase as an administrator for one of the finest athletics departments in the country," he said.

Kill is earning $150,000 for a base salary and his current agreement is a standard one-year term appointment, a Kansas State spokesperson said.