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Daily Digest: Train in Vain?

Good morning and happy Thursday. It's a busy day, so let's get right to the news.

1. One big question as the days grow short in the 2016 legislative session is whether lawmakers will put up $135 million for the proposed Southwest Light Rail Transit line between Minneapolis and Eden Prairie. It's the last chunk of money needed to get the project off the drawing board, but it's tied up in negotiations over a larger transportation funding plan. Those negotiations got stuck last year and took a step backwards Wednesday. (MPR News)

2. A bill that brings Minnesota into compliance with federal ID standards known as Real ID is scheduled to be debated today in the state Senate. The federal government says you will need the enhanced ID to board a commercial airliner starting in 2018. That's later than what they were saying last year, but the Legislature seems to be feeling some urgency to get the issue resolved this year. There are still some differences between the House and Senate approaches though, including the timing of the switch to the new IDs. (MPR News)

3. University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler is hoping new Athletics Director Mark Coyle can clean up a department that's had ongoing problems with management and scandal. Coyle comes from Syracuse University to take the $850,000 a year job. In addition to the cleanup job, it would be nice if they could win a few games along the way. (Star Tribune)

4. Donald Trump is scheduled to meet today with House Speaker Paul Ryan. Ryan says Trump needs to unify the Republican Party, although Trump says he can win without it. One key area of disagreement between the two men is over government entitlement programs such as Medicare. Ryan has been leading the charge to cut Medicare. Trump says he'll leave it alone. (Washington Post)

5.  Trump's refusal to release his tax returns is giving Hillary Clinton fodder to question his honesty, after her opponents have been doing that to her for the entire campaign. Trump says he's being audited and will release them later. Clinton is hinting he has something to hide. Mitt Romney is also criticizing Trump for keeping the filings secret. (New York Times)