U basketball player released as sex assault investigation continues

Updated: 5 p.m. | Posted: 12:52 p.m.

University of Minnesota basketball player Reggie Lynch was released from jail Tuesday while an investigation into sexual assault allegations continues.

Hennepin County prosecutors had 36 hours to charge Lynch after arresting him. The office sent out a statement saying they'd deferred the charging decision pending further investigation.

"In a deferral, the county attorney sends the case back to the investigating agency for additional work," the statement reads. "There is no hard deadline on when that work has to be finished, but it is generally no longer than 90 days. Deferrals are issued whenever the gathering of statements and evidence cannot be completed before the 36-hour detention period expires."

The Gophers athletics department said Lynch's indefinite suspension, announced after his arrest Sunday, will remain in effect.

In a statement, University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler said the allegations are "deeply troubling" and the alleged behavior doesn't reflect the school's values.

"The investigation is ongoing, and it is important that we allow it to conclude before drawing conclusions," Kaler's statement read. "But let me be clear, the allegations are at odds with what we stand for at the University of Minnesota, within our athletic department and across our campus."

Lynch, a 6-foot-9 center from Edina, has yet to play a game for the Gophers. He sat out last season after transferring from Illinois State University.

In a statement, head basketball coach Richard Pitino said he's "deeply disappointed with the recent allegations and the impact this situation has on all involved. Reggie Lynch will remain suspended from our team, pending the conclusion of the ongoing investigation."