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Daily Digest: Sparing the surplus

Good morning. Here it is Thursday already. No election results today, but there are some other interesting items in the news.

1. The House passed a jobs budget bill that increases spending by $12 million. Because House Republicans want to use the entire $900 million budget surplus for tax cuts and road projects, the bill cuts some state programs, including incentives to lure filmmakers to the state. Democrats say it shortchanges rural broadband and efforts to reduce racial economic disparities. (MPR News)

2. A Transportation Security Administration manager told a congressional committee he was instructed by supervisors to profile imams and other Somalis in Minnesota. A TSA spokesperson denied that the agency tolerates racial profiling. (MPR News)

3. The Republicans competing to be the candidate to succeed John Kline in representing Minnesota's 2nd District in Congress have released their first quarter fundraising reports. They show a wide-open race. Here's an analysis of how the race to take on DFL Candidate Angie Craig is shaping up.  (MinnPost)

4. A federal judge called the former speaker of the U.S. House a "serial child molester" before sentencing Dennis Hastert to 15 months in prison.  The statute of limitations has expired on the abuse allegations, but Hastert was sentenced for violating banking laws. (NPR)

5. Donald Trump gave a speech about foreign policy Wednesday. He didn't provide a lot of specifics, but said "America First" would be focus of his administration. His speech included criticism of Hillary Clinton and President Obama and some familiar themes from his campaign speeches. He said American would have a coherent foreign policy under a Trump administration but also called for the U.S. to be more unpredictable. (New York Times)