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Daily Digest: The Iron Range looks to the future

Good morning, and welcome to a new work week. Maybe the Twins can finally win today at home. Maybe not. Let's a take a look at some of what's been going on over the past few days.

1. Times are tough again on northern Minnesota's Iron Range. Rangers are used to the volatile swings of mining, but many say this downturn feels different. Some sense a greater urgency this time to grow a more sustainable economy, one that fosters local entrepreneurs, nurtures small businesses and targets industries that can build on the region's mineral and timber resources. But sensing it and accomplishing it are two very different things. (MPR News)

2. As we've said here before Minnesota ranks near the bottom of states in terms of the number of counselors per student in schools. A push is on at the Capitol to try to put some money toward hiring more, but some lawmakers say the money should come out of general education funding, which saw a big boost last year.  (AP via Pioneer Press)

3. Long-time state Rep. Phyllis Kahn, DFL-Minneapolis, will face two challengers in the August primary after a day-long convention Saturday didn't result in an endorsement. Mohamud Noor, who faced off with Kahn in a primary two years ago, and first-time candidate Ilhan Omar will challenge Kahn. Omar led the balloting at the convention, but no candidate reached the necessary 60 percent necessary to win. (MPR News)

4. Minnesota has more members of Congress supporting Bernie Sanders than any other state. Democrat Rick Nolan said over the weekend that he would join Keith Ellison and Collin Peterson as superdelegates backing Sanders. (Although Peterson has indicated he may not attend the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia) But Hillary Clinton still has a big lead among superdelegates. (Politico)

5. Sanders supporters are trying to put pressure on superdelegates to back him in states where he won. And among those coming under presser from the Bernie-backers is the chair of the Minnesota DFL Party. (NPR)