MnSCU chancellor announces retirement next year

MnSCU chancellor Steven Rosenstone
MnSCU chancellor Steven Rosenstone addresses a crowd in October 2011.
Jeffrey Thompson | MPR News file

The chancellor of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will retire when his contract expires next year.

Steven Rosenstone announced Friday that he will step down in July 2017.

He's been at the helm of the state's largest higher education system since 2011.

During his tenure — which has often been marked with a contentious relationship with MnSCU faculty — Rosenstone recruited 21 presidents to MnSCU colleges and universities.

Rosenstone said, in a statement, that he's most proud of those hires, a third of which come from communities of color and nearly half of which are women.

"Their commitment to our students and to the communities we serve is truly inspiring," Rosenstone said. "I have every confidence that they will continue the critical work we have begun together. Minnesota is extremely fortunate to have these dedicated individuals leading our state colleges and universities."

His announcement comes as MnSCU is facing a financial squeeze.

Enrollment at MnSCU schools has fallen by 7 percent since 2011 — which has been partially attributable to the rebounding economy. That, combined with a system-wide tuition freeze since 2013, has led to tightened budgets and downsizing of faculty and programs at some schools.

Faculty union groups at all of the state's seven universities formally questioned his leadership with no-confidence votes in 2014.

Jim Grabowska, president of the Inter Faculty Organization, which represents faculty at MnSCU's universities, thanked Rosenstone for his work in a statement.

"The Inter Faculty Organization looks forward to being part of discussions on the future of the MnSCU system," Grabowska said.

A spokesperson for the IFO declined further comment.

Details for the search for his successor will be announced later this spring.

Before going to MnSCU, Rosenstone served in administrative roles at the University of Minnesota.

Correction (April 8, 2016): An earlier version of this story misidentified the year in which Rosenstone became chancellor. The story has been corrected.