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Daily Digest: News from the state Capitol

Hey, look at that. It's Thursday already. Lots of stuff happening today, so let's take a look at the Digest.

1. Gov. Mark Dayton is making a push for his plan to spend $177.3 million on the state's two mental health facilities.  Most of the money would go for capital improvements. Dayton was joined at a news conference Wednesday by some employees of Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center and the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter who told harrowing stories of how dangerous it can be to work at there. (MPR News)

2. A coalition of black leaders in Minnesota is calling for a number of legislative reforms ranging from changes in drug sentencing to new startup money for black-owned businesses, The changes are designed to help end the state's enduring racial disparities. (MPR News)

3. Gov. Dayton has put restrictions on Minnesota employees traveling to another state. This time it's Mississippi, which this week made it legal for businesses and religious groups not to serve people based on their sexual orientation. Over the weekend Dayton imposed a similar travel restriction to North Carolina, which has a new law designed to limit gay and transgender rights. (Star Tribune)

4. Donald Trump's loss in the Wisconsin primary and third-place finish in the Minnesota caucuses aren't deterring his supporters here. They still believe he will win the Republican nomination and that he's saying things the other candidates aren't willing to. (MPR News)

5. As the race for the Democratic nomination moves east it's getting nastier. Last night in Philadelphia Bernie Sanders said Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president. Sanders aides said he was reacting to earlier criticism from Clinton. Given that her qualifications are the main case she's been making for her campaign, the Clinton camp quickly shot back. (Politico)