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Minnesota lobbying tallies show 2015 spending

The annual who's who of Minnesota lobbying spending has some familiar names at the top for 2015.

Business groups and the state teachers union are again among the biggest spenders on lobbying campaigns for a period covering the Legislature's budget session a year ago, according to data published by the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. The spending also reflects lobbying of metropolitan governments and state agencies.

The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, which lobbies on a range of business regulations and tax issues, led the way with nearly $2.2 million in spending. Next up was the Minnesota Business Partnership, a consortium of major corporation leaders, that devoted $1.2 million in lobbying. Education Minnesota was third at $980,000.

Two associations that represent a collection of local government interests -- the League of Minnesota Cities and the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities -- reported a combined $1.3 million in spending.

Groups are required to offer estimates to the nearest $20,000. Some organizations lower down the list were new or ramped up their spending from the prior report.

They include PolyMet Mining Corp., which is pursuing state agency approval for permits to open a new copper-nickel mine in northern Minnesota; the company reported $340,000 in expenses. Also notable was the Minnesota United Football Club, which tiptoed last year into a legislative bid for state tax breaks and local approval of a new St. Paul soccer stadium; the team said it put $110,000 into lobbying last year.

The Minnesota United was still behind the Minnesota Vikings in that category, with the pro football team reporting $180,000 in spending.

Utilities and others that lobby regulators, namely the Public Utilities Commission, are included on a separate roster. Enbridge Energy Partners, CenterPoint Energy Resources and Xcel Energy Services were lobbying leaders in that area.