Warm weather brings Minnesota bears out early, DNR warns

Lily, the black bear
A black bear
Courtesy of the North American Bear Center

State conservation officials say they're already getting bear calls because of the early spring. They're urging Minnesotans who live near bear territory to check their property for food sources that could attract the creatures.

"As bears emerge from hibernation, their metabolism gradually ramps up and they will begin looking for food at a time when berries and green vegetation can be scarce," the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources said in a statement. "Bears may be tempted by dog food, livestock feed, birdseed, compost or garbage."

Only black bears live in the wild in Minnesota. They typically flee when encountered but should never be approached, officials said.

The DNR does not relocate problem bears. The department says they seldom remain where they are released and may return to where they were caught or become a problem somewhere else.

The DNR offered these tips:

• Do not leave food from barbecues and picnics outdoors, especially overnight. Coolers are not bear-proof.

• Replace hummingbird feeders with hanging flower baskets, which are also attractive to hummingbirds.

• Harvest garden produce as it matures. Locate gardens away from forests and shrubs that bears may use for cover.

• Store garbage in bear-resistant garbage cans or dumpsters. Rubber or plastic garbage cans are not bear-proof.

• Store especially smelly garbage, such as meat or fish scraps, in a freezer until it can be taken to a refuse site.

Property owners who still have persistent bear problems after cleaning up food sources should call the DNR Information Center at 1-888-646-6367 for information on the local wildlife manager, the agency added.