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Daily Digest: Strange days indeed

Good morning, and happy Friday. Has there been a stranger day in presidential politics than yesterday? It started with the GOP nominee from four years ago ripping the current frontrunner and ended with a knock-down, drag-out debate. Let's take a look.

1. Starting with the debate, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were relentless in their attacks on Donald Trump. Trump responded with name calling and an allusion to his own anatomy. (New York Times)

2. Earlier in the day Mitt Romney urged Republicans to vote for any GOP candidate but Trump. (NPR)

3. The Justice Department has granted immunity to a former Hillary Clinton staffer as it investigates her email server. (Washington Post)

4. Gov. Mark Dayton thinks Minnesota should replace caucuses with a primary for choosing presidential candidates. He also thinks Clinton would have won a primary here Tuesday. (MPR News)

5. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says PolyMet is cleared to apply for permits for its proposed copper nickel mining. (MPR News)