Today's Question Blog

If Apple complies with FBI demand is it ‘bad for America’?

(AP) Apple CEO Tim Cook said Wednesday that it would be "bad for America" if his company complied with the FBI's demand for help unlocking an encrypted iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters.

• NYT: Apple said to be working on phone they can't hack

In his first interview since the controversy erupted last week, Cook told ABC News that it was a difficult choice to resist the government's request for help with the iPhone used by Syed Farook, one of two extremists who killed 14 people in the California city in December.

"Some things are hard and some things are right, and some things are both. This is one of those things," Cook said in a video clip released by ABC News. The interview came as both sides in the dispute are courting public support while also mustering legal arguments in the case.

Federal officials have said they're only asking for narrow assistance in bypassing some security features on the iPhone, which they believe may contain information related to the mass murders. Apple has argued that doing so would make other iPhones more susceptible to hacking by authorities or criminals in the future.

"We know that doing this would expose people to incredible vulnerabilities," Cook said. [Full story]

Today's Question: If Apple complies with FBI demand is it 'bad for America'?