Counter Stories: Beyonce, voting and politics in American Indian Country

The hosts of Counter Stories
The hosts of Counter Stories are Luz Maria Frias, Anthony Galloway, Hlee Lee and Don Eubanks.
MPR News

Counter Stories is a regular conversation about race, identity, social justice and culture.

The members of Counter Stories — Hlee Lee, Anthony Galloway, Don Eubanks and Luz Maria Frias — discuss important topics in the news, but also branch out to talk about how culture is portrayed on TV, in the media and more.

In today's conversation, the group dissects the Super Bowl halftime show and the criticism that has arisen around Beyonce's performance. They also discuss how voter ID laws may influence upcoming elections, and how politics are playing out in American Indian country.

The show, which began as a podcast last summer, now has a home on MPR's airwaves: Conversations will air during MPR News with Tom Weber. You can check out previous episodes at the Counter Stories page.