Today's Question Blog

Do you support a speed limit of 25 miles per hour on city streets?

"The state’s bike lobby plans to push at the Legislature for lower speed limits on city streets," reports the Star Tribune's Steve Brandt.

A limit of 25 miles per hour has long been a goal for Minneapolis, St. Paul and other communities. Supporters argue a lower limit would reduce the crash danger for pedestrians and cyclists and get more people out exercising.

The present urban limit of 30 mph was cited by the League of American Bicyclists as an area needing improvement when Minneapolis recently tried unsuccessfully to upgrade its status as a bike-friendly community from gold to platinum, a status held by only five cities nationally.

All four surrounding states allow speed limits of 25 mph in urban areas, an area of contention for some cyclists.

Today's Question: Do you support a speed limit of 25 miles per hour on city streets?